How much can you save?
At Cyber High, we understand the challenges of limited resources and use restrictions. As a non-profit educational organization, we are dedicated to ensuring you get the most value from your investment. Please review your purchase options below and use the link at the bottom to provide a brief overview of your specific needs, projected use cases, expected volume, and any current program challenges. With this information, we will tailor the most cost-effective solution to support your educational goals.
Your Flexible Pricing Options
Option #1 - “On-Demand”
Perfect for limited budgets and limited use, as well as for those who prefer to skip annual contracts. You control the amount you spend and when you incur the expense.
- No contract / leading to a quick turn-around
- No minimum purchase
- No seat license fees
- Easy to replenish at any time with just a PO
- Complementary customer support
- No expiration dates
- Not bound to a specific student or course, ensuring maximum flexibility
How it Works: We offer annual or triennial contracts, with the latter retaining annual payments and a generous multi-year discount. Simply request a quote and we would be happy to provide you with both pricing options so you can choose what is best for you.
Option #2 - “Unlimited Use”
The Unlimited Use option makes up 93% of our volume. Why? Simplicity, value, and reach. Exactly as the name implies, this option removes all barriers to equitable access to quality, grade-level-appropriate courses designed for student success.
- Put as many of your students in as many Units/Courses as you’d like – no seat licenses or Exam fees
- Meet original or recovery credit needs, partial credit(s), or complete courses
- Start remediation as soon as the second semester of 9th grade to address at-risk students early, provide intervention to get these students back on track, and increase overall graduation rates
- Provide a cost-effective option for summer school courses or after-school labs
- Provide an economical and modular option for an up-to-date curriculum
- Provide teachers with Professional Development Videos built directly into Cyber High along with personal customer service
How it Works: We offer annual or triennial contracts, with the latter retaining annual payments and a generous multi-year discount. Simply request a quote and we would be happy to provide you with both pricing options so you can choose what is best for you.