Incarcerated Education
Incarcerated Education
Incarcerated Education
Incarcerated Ed.

As public servants, we are exceptionally proud of our partnerships that directly reduce recidivism through improved education practices.

For example, the State of California’s Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) adopted Cyber High as their High School Diploma Program (HSDP) curriculum for all statewide prisons. Their students have earned over 30,000 credits and have maintained a Final Exam pass rate exceeding 80%; absolutely phenomenal results!

When incarcerated students personally tell us that while they might not have found success in school, but they have developed a desire for learning, are motivated to pass courses, and have self-confidence and pride while holding a high school diploma earned through Cyber High, it is the greatest compliment we could possibly receive.

If you ask yourself, “Is it worth going through a curriculum upgrade and/or adding a HSDP to your equivalency offering?” a Cyber High incarcerated student once told us, “Now that I have my diploma, I’m never coming back to this place [referring to prison].” If reducing the rate of recidivism is your goal, our data shows that staff, administrators, and students themselves are on board!

Please consider:

  • If you are only offering high school equivalency, is that limiting job opportunities upon release as opposed to a full high school diploma?
  • If you are still using paper/pencil curriculum, is it sufficiently preparing students to find and succeed in the modern workforce? Will they be comfortable performing work on a computer or tablet upon release?
  • Does your program provide the consistency, integrity, and academic rigor you hope for?

If your answer is no to any/all of these, we would truly be honored to talk with you about your concerns, unique needs, roadblocks, and to brainstorm possibilities for the future. We understand that all Departments of Rehabilitation, whether it be a state prison, a court and community school, or a county jail environment, have different security requirements and infrastructures. Given our experience over the years in this educational space, we would be more than happy to partner with you on this journey. Most importantly, we will listen to your specific concerns and needs, brainstorm solutions together and, when possible, accommodate the unique requirements of this student population and the institutions. This type of change takes time, but there is no better time to start on this life-changing path than right now. Please click the contact button below.

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